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Dr Jim Oschman, the authority on Frequency medicines, is headlining the Energy beyond ATP CAM Conference this month. He will be discussing how frequency medicine works, and will open up an area of science that goes beyond ‘just’ biochemistry by looking at nutrients and environmental factors in terms of the information with which they influence cells. His presentation will present these key factors and explore how awareness of our personal energy systems can enhance our health, happiness and longevity.

Supporting Jim is Dr Damien Downing, speaking on frequencies and how they can potentially harm people in relation to sources in the environment. He will also discuss the research that shows how energy/ frequencies are used, sometimes unknowingly, in therapy. Damien will tie in environmental factors such as wireless/cellphones/EM and explain the mechanistic effects on cell (including mitochondrial) membranes and the potential vulnerability of cells to those factors.

Harry Massey will be the final act to this phenomenal trio, who suffered from severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, an illness that, for seven long years, left him bedridden. Extremely weak, but strongly determined, he tried every kind of conventional and alternative healing approach, but nothing seemed to work. So Harry went to work to find something that did. Not only did Bioenergetic WellNES save Harry’s life, it became his mission in life.

For more information on the ‘Energy beyond ATP’ CAM Conference, head to

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