Energy beyond ATP

23 May 2015
Cavendish Conference Centre, London

The Energy beyond ATP conference focuses on the energy molecule ATP and more subtle forms. This conference will explore the intersection where foods and supplements are enhanced – or compromised – by deliberate and accidental energetic influences.

Dr Jim Oschman

Dr Jim Oschman

‘Frequency Medicines: How they work’
Dr Jim Oschman

There are two types of frequencies: those that are therapeutic and those that can be harmful. Everyone needs to know where to find therapeutic frequencies when they need them, and how to avoid potentially harmful frequencies. But first we need to understand how both kinds of frequencies affect us. Much has happened in the last year to solve these two related mysteries. On the one hand, there are literally hundreds of hands-on and hands-off energy therapies, from A to Z (Acupuncture to Zero Balancing) that seem to involve subtle energetic interactions between a therapist and a patient. And various therapeutic devices utilize low levels of various forms of energy such as electricity, magnetism, sound, light, aromas, etc. Precisely how do these therapies work, and what is the role of frequencies?

About Dr Jim Oschman

Dr Jim Oschman is an award-winning pioneer in Energy Medicine, which aims to provide a Western scientific basis for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). He has published 26 full-length scientific papers in leading academic journals and 50 articles in CAM journals.  His ground-breaking series of articles on “healing energy” published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies were developed into a book, Energy Medicine:  the scientific basis (Harcourt Brace/Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 2000). This book gives the most skeptical academic scientists, medical researchers and patients a theoretical and practical basis for exploring and experiencing CAM therapies of all kinds.

A second book, Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance, was published in 2003 by Harcourt Health Sciences/Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford. This book is about the scientific basis for peak experiences in athletics, performing arts, and therapeutic encounters. This work helps therapists from every tradition understand and advance their work and explain it to others.

Jim has presented lectures and workshops in more than 20 countries around the world. He continues his research and writing in Dover, New Hampshire, where he is President of Nature’s Own Research.


‘Energy beyond ATP’
Dr Damien Downing

As Weston Price said, “the food on your table was a part of the sun but a few months ago”. The “unseen” part of your environment is electromagnetic; fields and radiations influence the membrane, and are even used to communicate between cells. The phospholipid bilayer that comprises cell membranes has been described as “the brain of the cell”. It is the matter-energy interface that senses, responds and adapts to the environment by controlling expression of the genome. We are living in an epidemic of allergies and autoimmune diseases; clinical findings link these problems to membrane damage. With recent technology we can now just begin to see what happens to membranes, in health and in sickness.

About Dr Damien Downing

Damien Downing

Dr Damien Downing

Dr Downing is President of the British Society for Ecological Medicine <> and was for 20 years Editor of the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine. He is Chief Medical Advisor to the cancer charity Yes to Life, and serves on the Editorial Board of the Orthomolecular News Service . His 1988 book Daylight Robbery pioneered our understanding of how vital sunlight and vitamin D are for health. The Vitamin Cure for Allergies was released in the USA & on Kindle in 2010, and The Vitamin Cure for Digestive Disorders in 2014.

He practises in London as part of New Medicine Group in Harley St;

He has particular interests in membrane lipids and lipid therapy, in mitochondrial dysfunction, in environmental toxic effects, and of course in sunlight and vitamin D.

Damien Downing practises Ecological Medicine, a systems approach to health that considers interactions between individuals and the environment, and their health consequences.


‘The SuperCharged Life’
Harry Massey

Imagine, a mind quick as lightning, a body charged with energy. No, it’s not a fictional superhero.

It’s you. SuperCharged. If you are like us and don’t accept that old adage, “We’re only human”, then come and listen to Harry Massey, Inventor and Founder of NES Health’s Total WellNES System and miHealth, filmmaker of The Living Matrix: The New Science of Healing and Choice Point: Align Your Purpose. Harry suffered from severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, an illness that, for seven long years, left him bedridden. Extremely weak, but strongly determined, he tried every kind of conventional and alternative healing approach, but nothing seemed to work. So Harry went to work to find something that did. Not only did Bioenergetic WellNES save Harry’s life, it became his mission in life. Get a sneak preview of his latest film, “SuperCharged’ and learn how you can live the supercharged life.

About Harry Massey

Harry Massey

Harry Massey

In 2002, Massey founded NES Health Limited, a company dedicated to fostering a 21st-century system of healthcare based on the integration of physics and biology. As part of NES Health (, Harry invented two health-related clinical technologies: the NES miHealth and NES Provision. These endeavors grew out of his own research into health as he sought to overcome serious illness in his youth.
In 2009, he wrote and executive produced The Living Matrix: The New Science of Healing to educate and inspire the general public about cutting edge bioenergetics and bio-informational approaches to health and well-being.

Harry also Founded and acts as Chairman of The Institute of Bioenergetic and Informational Healthcare which provides first rate courses in Energy Medicine to train health practitioners to their fullest clinical potential and educates about its benefits.

In 2011, Harry wrote and directed Choice Point – Align Your Purpose which includes interviews from Richard Branson, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Dr Silia Elworthy, Jean Paul DeJoria, Jack Canfield, Barbara Marx Hubbord and Greg Braden.  The vision behind the Choice Point movie and in depth video self-help course is to help us to attain a healthy, wise and purpose filled life so that collectively we can change the world for the better.

Harry suffered from severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, an illness that, for seven long years, left him bedridden. Extremely weak, but strongly determined, he tried every kind of conventional and alternative healing approach, but nothing seemed to work. So Harry went to work to find something that did. Not only did Bioenergetic WellNES save Harry’s life, it became his mission in life.

Harry is also the author of a number of books including:

The Unturned Stone
Decoding The Human Bodyfield

Healing Yourself and Others
Choice Point – Align Your Purpose

Lunch is a healthy, gluten-free buffet and includes:

Grilled Salmon Skewers with Lime Dip
Chef’ Selection of Seasonal Salads
Suffolk Chicken Ragout with Green Asparagus
Pearl Barley & Pumpkin Risotto
Seasonal Fruit Salad
British Cheese Board with Rice Biscuits

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